search engine optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation: Introduction, Importance, Types, Key elements etc.

Search Engine Optimisation: Introduction, Importance, Types, Key Elements, etc.

Hello dear readers, Many of you have come across many examples of search engine optimisation while working on the internet. Let’s read some of it.

When you search for any topic on a search engine let’s say ‘ Digital Marketing’, you see many webpages loading on search engine result pages.

You may also see sponsored web pages on top but we ignore them because they are not part of SEO and after that, the remaining web pages that appear to you are examples of SEO.

If these websites have not used SEO techniques for their web pages it may not appear to you and when you click on that web page, the website gets traffic and benefits.

After knowing the benefits of SEO techniques, you understand why it is so an important part of Digital marketing and why today the value of Search engine optimization experts in the digital marketing industry is so high.

But this is an example of just a small part of SEO. But in real this is a very large and complex process of SEO and it takes a long time.

SEO is a time-consuming process but still beneficial. After knowing its intro, let’s read about its types, definition, key elements, working process, and more.

So let’s go.

Definition of Search Engine Optimisation

Now we try to know an exact and clear definition of SEO to understand its meaning correctly.

Search Engine Optimisation refers to optimizing a website’s web pages on a search engine. By optimizing web pages on search engines our web pages can appear on the first search engine result page.

If you do not know what is search engine result page is then let’s know it. The search engine result page is the page of results which shown on a search engine when you search a query on it.

Let’s say you search query ‘Digital Marketing’ on Google or another search engine then the page that is shown on the search engine is known as the search engine result page. The web pages which is shown on the first search engine result page have a strong SEO background.

Our main aim of doing SEO is to rank our web pages on the first search engine result page.

How Search Engine Works

In this section, we tell you how search engines work to rank different web pages by these different terms.


This is the first step of search engines for ranking a web page. In this step, first, a Google crawler crawls the web pages to find the keywords on it according to user queries or what users search.

Google crawler can only access a web page based on a sitemap submitted by the websites. We read about sitemaps further. The URLs provided on sitemaps help Google crawlers to view and read the web page. In this step, the only work by crawlers is reading the web pages and seeing if any updates there.


This is the second step of Crawlers in which web page indexing is done. In the first step, the crawler reads the web pages, and in this step, if the crawler sees the content on the web page as relevant, quality, useful, and can solve the user query then the crawler adds that web page to its vast index it means that your web pages are selected to appear on search engine result page.


After adding the web page content to the vast index in the indexing step, the third and last step is to rank the web page on the search engine result page.

Google crawlers check many factors to rank the web pages on the first search engine result web page which are domain authority, keywords, quality, mobile responsiveness, relevancy, trust score, expertise, and many other factors to rank web pages.

After reading the search engine working, you now confirmed that it takes lots of time, hard work, and proper research to rank our web page on the Search engine result page.

It is a difficult process but not possible so keep working.

Types of Search Engine Optimisation

`There are mainly three types of search engine optimisation types which we read as an introduction details of these we read in other blogs.

search engine optimisation

On-Page SEO

On-page search engine optimisation is that type of SEO in which SEO processes are done on the web page. In other words, when we do the SEO process on our own web page it is called On-page SEO.

For Example: When we write meta titles, descriptions, and content for our web page after doing proper keyword research, it is called On-page SEO.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page search engine optimisation refers to that type of SEO in which SEO is done for our web page but outside the website. We can say also that when we optimize our web page on other web pages it is called Off-page SEO.

For Example: When we insert the URL of our web page into another website’s web pages it helps the website to attract traffic from another website to our web page whose URL is inserted on that website. It is called backlinking.

Technical SEO

Technical search engine optimisation as its name suggests related to the technical process of SEO. With its help, we can help the Google crawler and in return, the crawler crawls our web page and may be our webpage seen on search engine result pages.

Sitemaps(containing URLs of our webpages in one place) submitting to crawlers, image optimization, javascript optimization, telling crawlers which page should be indexed or not, canonical URL, mobile, and speed optimization are some examples of it.

There is another part of SEO named Local SEO which we read further in detail and we also read about all these types in detail in other blogs.

Pros and Cons of Search Engine Optimisation

There are many benefits of doing SEO for our websites and web pages but it also has a little no. of limitations so let’s try to analyze it with the help of this table.

Sr. No.Pros and BenefitsCons and limits
1.Useful for gaining more traffic for our website.Time taking process.
2.Help in establishing trusts publicly.Requires more hard work and patience.
3.It is free of cost.Not no guarantee of improvement.
4.Help users to solve their search query.Requires proper knowledge and understanding.
5.Help in ranking improvement of the website.
Table: Pros and Cons of Search engine optimisation

Here we learn that Search engine optimisation is very important and the main function of Digital marketing but should be done carefully let’s see some common mistakes made during doing SEO by digital marketers and businesses.

Common Search Engine Optimisation Mistakes made by everyone

Mobile Optimization

It is the main part of SEO as most of the traffic comes from here. If your website is not optimized for mobile and not mobile responsive then SEO is useless. So keep checking for the mobile responsiveness of your website.

Page Load Speed

Most of us can do the complete SEO process but always ignore one thing which is to check the page load speed for desktop and mobile. Most of us think that it is useless and what is its work. But when someone asks questions and comes to your website but your page loading takes time then the user may move to another web page so keep checking the page load speed and try to correct it.

You can check it by Google Page Speed Insights which also points out your mistake.

Keyword Stuffing

Many of us may think that using more and more keywords in our content may show Google that our content is good for the search query but Google only takes on those web pages that use keywords naturally and in the appropriate place. If you trying to use keywords at such a place where they should not be used, Google never indexes your web pages and also keeps your eye on keyword density which is how many times you used the keyword in comparison to the total word count of your content. So avoiding keyword stuffing is a good part of search engine optimisation.

Meta Title and Description

It is the biggest mistake that is made almost by every new or beginner SEO expert, that we can write good meta titles and descriptions for our web pages but ignore the words and characters counting, using keywords properly in it, and is the meta title and description are correct and suits to content, it is also a big question.

The standard character counting for Meta Title is 55-65 characters. For Meta Description, standard character counting is 155-165 characters. You can count easily it on

Using Internal Links on our Content

Using Internal links is a good practice from a search engine optimisation perspective. By it we are saying our website visitors read another blog on our website. We also paste the URL of another blog on that blog, this is called internal linking.

For example: If a visitor comes to your blog to read about Search Engine Optimisation and also wants to read about on-page SEO in detail then he can simply click on your link and land on another blog of your website and you get double traffic from one visitor.

Now you understand that how much important Search engine optimisation is in digital marketing, some common mistakes should be corrected and not ignored, types of SEO, and many more. But this is only an intro to search engine optimisation, in our other blogs you read many details of all terms used in it.

Keep reading and happy reading!

Read More: Digital Marketing: Introduction, Meaning, History, types, Comparisons, etc.

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